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发布时间:2022-11-15 16:08:13

『壹』 工具箱的英文单词是什么

tool box

『贰』 工具箱的介绍

工具箱(Gongjuxiang) :英文名:TOOLBOX 顾名思义,它是一种容器,是存储工具和各种家庭杂物的容器,可用于生产,家庭,维修,钓鱼等各种用途,使用广泛。它分为移动型和固定型。移动性的工具箱也就是所谓的工具车。材质:PP塑料/塑料扣子/金属卡扣规格:40*18*21(cm)及各种大小尺寸都有。特点:采用PP工程塑料,承重力好,外形美观大方,可塑性强,色彩多样,手提工具箱内部容积大,有可分离内胆,分别采用塑料卡扣和金属卡扣。

『叁』 英语inthekit是什么意思

in the kit。在套件中。
也许是in the kid 吧?在幼儿园里。

『肆』 kit是什么意思,工具箱翻译

kit英 [kɪt]美 [kit]
n. 工具箱;成套工具
vt. 装备
vi. 装备
n. (Kit)人名;(俄)基特;(东南亚国家华语专)吉;(英)基特,姬特(女名)(教名 Christopher、属Katherine 的昵称)
Kit 自行组装家具,用具包,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute Of Technology)
drum kit 爵士鼓,架子鼓,模拟鼓
Garage kit 手办,手办,未涂装树脂模件

『伍』 工具箱的英文缩写是什么


『陆』 工具盒翻译成英文怎么翻译

Tool box工具盒

『柒』 工具箱的英文怎么说英语如何拼写




英 [kit] 美 [kɪt]



英 [ˈhəʊldɔ:l] 美 ['həʊld'ɔːl]


tool case

英 [tu:l keis] 美 [tul kes]


优化工具箱 Optimization Toolbox

符号数学工具箱 Symbolic Math Toolbox

磁盘工具箱 DiskToolbox

财政金融工具箱 Financial Toolbox

应用工具箱 Application Toolbox


1. A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.


2. He opened the box to put in the hammer.


3. Put back the tools in the box.


4. Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.

遗憾的是, 层次树也是工具箱中最容易被错误使用的控件之一.

5. Perhaps he was carrying a portable amputation kIt'similar to this.


6. There are many tools in my tool storage unit ( tool chest, tool box ).

我的工具柜 ( 工具盒 、 工具箱 ) 里面有很多工具.

7. There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.


8. Better yet , many of these toolkits are Visual Basic add - ons .

更喜人的是,其中很多工具箱是Visual Basic 附加模块.

9. To access the Toolbox, choose Toolbox from the View menu.

若要访问“工具箱”, 请从“视图”菜单中选择“工具箱”.

10. I always keep a tool set in case of emergency.


11. Drag a comment from the Class Designer Toolbox onto the class diagram.


12. You can place controls in the Toolbox window for easy access.


13. Does the dormitory a well stocked first aid kit?


14. The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box.


15. Each Star represented a new tool added on to my toolbox.


工具箱的英文怎么说相关 文章 :

1. 工程用英语怎么说

2. 工具用英语怎么说

3. 系统工具用英语怎么说

4. 学习工具用英语怎么说

『捌』 工具箱整理意义


『玖』 请帮忙翻译以下工具成英语,谢谢。

1 wear heart screwdriver cross
2 wear heart screwdriver one word
3 screwdriver cross
4 a screwdriver
5 screwdriver cross
6 a screwdriver
7 double mei wrench
8 double mei wrench
9 double mei wrench
10 double mei wrench
11 double mei wrench
12 pairs of mei wrench
13 double wrench
14 double wrench
15 double wrench
16 double wrench
17 double wrench
18 double wrench
19 1/2 sleeve
20 1/2 sleeve
21 1/2 sleeve
22 1/2 sleeve
23 1/2 sleeve
24 1/2 sleeve
25 1/2 sleeve
26 1/2 sleeve
27 1/2 sleeve
28 1/2 sleeve
29 1/2 sleeve
30 1/2 sleeve
31 1/2 sleeve
32 1/2 sleeve
33 1/2 sleeve
34 1/2 sleeve
35 T sleeve
36 T sleeve
37 T sleeve
38 shaft straight expansion
39 hole until the expansion
40 iron hammer
41 polyurethane hammer
42 pointed tsui
43 cutters
44 curved lever
45 after stem
46 after stem
47 wrench
48 thorn wheel wrench
49 valve disassembly
50 hex head extension
51 extended ball head hex socket screws
52 extended ball head hex socket screws
53 multi-purpose magneto radmanovic
54 two-headed clutch holder
55 CG timing tooth pull dial
56 magneto check actuator
57 the knife
58 valve regulator
59 toolbox
60 locks
1 穿心起子十字
2 穿心起子一字
3 螺丝刀十字 Phillips screwdriver
4 螺丝刀一字 Straight Screwdriver/ screwed driver
7 双梅扳手 spanner
18 双开扳手 coach wrench
34 1/2套筒 half socket
35 T型套筒 T-handle socket wrench
38 轴直扩张钳 drainage and enlarging forceps
39 孔直扩张钳 tracheal dilating forceps
40 铁榔头 iron Hammer
41 聚胺脂榔头 Polyurethane Hammer
42 尖咀钳 Long-Nose Plier
43 钢丝钳 wire-cutter
44 弯杆 bend rod
45 接杆 extension rod
47 活动扳手 monkey wrench /adjustable spanner
48 刺轮扳手 ratchet wrench
49 气门拆装器 valve key replacer
52 加长球头内六角 spherical head
53 多用磁电机拉马 versatile magneto screw extractor
54 双头离合器固定器 double end clutch fixer
55 CG正时齿拉拨器
56 磁电机止动器 Magneto stop dog
57 美工刀 cutter/utility knife
58 气门调节器 valve lash adjuster
59 工具箱 tool box
60穿心起子十字 piercing screwdriver Cross-head
穿心起子一字 piercing screwdriver Slot-head
螺丝刀十字 screwdriver Cross-head
螺丝刀一字 screwdriver Slot-head
双梅扳手 Shuangmei Wrench
双开扳手 coach wrench
1/2套筒 1/2 bushing
T型套筒 T-Bushing
轴直扩张钳 direct axis stretching pliers
孔直扩张钳 straight hole stretching pliers
铁榔头 iron Hammer
聚胺脂榔头 Polyurethane Hammer
尖咀钳 Long-Nose Plier
钢丝钳 wire-cutter
弯杆 bend pipe
接杆 extension rod
活动扳手 monkey wrench
刺轮扳手 ratchet wrench
气门拆装器 valve key replacer
加长球头内六角 extension hex key with flat face and spherical head
多用磁电机拉马 multiple use magneto
双头离合器固定器 double head clutch fixer
CG正时齿拉拨器 timing tooth pull dial
磁电机止动器 magneto stop dog
美工刀 utility knife
气门调节器 valve lash adjuster
工具箱 Toolbox
锁具 lockset
锁具 lockset

『拾』 工具箱的英文是




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