导航:首页 > 版本升级 > matlab801是什么版本


发布时间:2021-12-04 01:32:42

A. matlab都有哪些版本

版本更新:版本[1] 建造编号 发布时间
MATLAB 1.0 1984
MATALB 2 1986
MATLAB 3 1987
MATLAB 3.5 1990
MATLAB 4 1992
MATLAB 4.2c R7 1994
MATLAB 5.0 R8 1996
MATLAB 5.1 R9 1997
MATLAB 5.1.1 R9.1 1997
MATLAB 5.2 R10 1998
MATLAB 5.2.1 R10.1 1998
MATLAB 5.3 R11 1999
MATLAB 5.3.1 R11.1 1999
MATLAB 6.0 R12 2000
MATLAB 6.1 R12.1 2001
MATLAB 6.5 R13 2002
MATLAB 6.5.1 R13SP1 2003
MATLAB 6.5.2 R13SP2 2003
MATLAB 7 R14 2004
MATLAB 7.0.1 R14SP1 2004
MATLAB 7.0.4 R14SP2 2005
MATLAB 7.1 R14SP3 2005
MATLAB 7.2 R2006a 2006
MATLAB 7.3 R2006b 2006
MATLAB 7.4 R2007a 2007
MATLAB 7.5 R2007b 2007
MATLAB 7.6 R2008a 2008
MATLAB 7.7 R2008b 2008
MATLAB 7.8 R2009a 2009.3.6
MATLAB 7.9 R2009b 2009.9.4
MATLAB 7.10 R2010a 2010.3.5

我用的是r2009a 可以在WIN7上运行

B. 如何才知道MATLAB的版本


>> help netcdf
NETCDF Summary of MATLAB NETCDF capabilities.
MATLAB provides low-level access to netCDF files via direct access to
more than 30 functions in the netCDF library. To use these MATLAB
functions, you must be familiar with the netCDF C interface. The
"NetCDF C Interface Guide" for version 3.6.2 may be consulted at

In most cases, the syntax of the MATLAB function is similar to the
syntax of the netCDF library function. The functions are implemented
as a package called "netcdf". To use these functions, one needs to
prefix the function name with package name "netcdf", i.e.

ncid = netcdf.open ( ncfile, mode );

The following table lists all the netCDF library functions supported by
the netCDF package.

abort - Revert recent netCDF file definitions.
close - Close netCDF file.
create - Create new netCDF file.
endDef - End netCDF file define mode.
inq - Return information about netCDF file.
inqLibVers - Return netCDF library version information.
open - Open netCDF file.
reDef - Set netCDF file into define mode.
setDefaultFormat - Change default netCDF file format.
setFill - Set netCDF fill mode.
sync - Synchronize netCDF dataset to disk.

defDim - Create netCDF dimension.
inqDim - Return netCDF dimension name and length.
inqDimID - Return dimension ID.
renameDim - Change name of netCDF dimension.

defVar - Create netCDF variable.
getVar - Return data from netCDF variable.
inqVar - Return information about variable.
inqVarID - Return ID associated with variable name.
putVar - Write data to netCDF variable.
renameVar - Change name of netCDF variable.

Att - Copy attribute to new location.
delAtt - Delete netCDF attribute.
getAtt - Return netCDF attribute.
inqAtt - Return information about netCDF attribute.
inqAttID - Return ID of netCDF attribute.
inqAttName - Return name of netCDF attribute.
putAtt - Write netCDF attribute.
renameAtt - Change name of attribute.

The following functions have no equivalents in the netCDF library.

getConstantNames - Return list of constants known to netCDF library.
getConstant - Return numeric value of named constant

Please read the files netcdfright.txt and mexncright.txt for
more information.

C. matlab各版本有什么区别


D. matlab哪个版本好用

matlab 2018a版本好用,新增更快运行 MATLAB 代码的执行引擎,用于创建、分析图形和网络并实现可视化内的图形函数和有向图容函数,附加浏览器。

用于增加社区创作的工具箱和 MathWorks 工具箱、应用、功能、模型及硬件支持的单一界面,对 iOS 传感器、Raspberry Pi™ 2 和 BeagleBone Black 的硬件支持。



MATLAB开发环境是一套方便用户使用的MATLAB函数和文件工具集,其中许多工具是图形化用户接口。它是一个集成的 用户工作空间,允许用户输入输出数据,并提供了M文件的集成编译和调试环境,包括MATLAB桌面、命令窗口、M文件编辑调试器、MATLAB工作空间和在线帮助文档。






E. 最经典的MATLAB版本是哪个

  1. MATLAB 7这个版本很经典,而且也不大。

  2. 好多专业认识都用matlab7这个版本。

  3. 关键是把各项功能都熟悉了才是最重要的,版本高的是对程序进行升级和改进。

F. 如何安装matlab801

这是什么 版本?


G. 现在matlab一般用哪个版本的啊


H. matlab801能否在Win7下成功安装

Win7支持matlab 7.0以上版本,建议安装比较新的版本

I. matlab哪个版本用得最多




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