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發布時間:2024-04-17 08:09:34

A. 《全面營救》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1QZpYlERtQM2iC6VL30VAQA

?pwd=36xe 提取碼: 36xe
導演: 魯克·高斯
編劇: 魯克·高斯
主演: 魯克·高斯、羅伯特·戴維、戴維·費爾南德斯、芭芭拉·帕多、帕特里夏·德·萊昂、Luis Gatica、Jeanette Samano、Jack Carlisle、Alain Mora、Zokai Holmes、Denitza García、Jordan Simkovic、Tonya Bordeaux、Mopar Murray、Laura Martin
類型: 劇情、驚悚、犯罪
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2017-12-01(DVD)
片長: 96分鍾
The film, which marks the directorial debut of singer-turned-actor Luke Goss, is currently in post-proction. Also starring Goss, alongside Robert Davi and Patricia De Leon, it tells the story of a man who must go to extreme lengths to discover what happened to his kidnapped wife and daughter. Soda intends to launch the film to coincide with the reunion concert tour of Bros., the 1980s' pop band Luke performed in with his brother Matt. The reunion was original intended as a one-off concert at London's O2 Arena on August 19, marking the anniversary of the band's last concert in 1989. However, when that show sold out within a minute of going on sale the tour was expanded to include six further dates at the O2 and at other venues around the U.K. in August



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